Competitive with computer games

It’s been years since I have played a computer game. Reason being I get soo addicted and get very competitive. I don’t want to stop playing until I bet the highest score or get to the next level. Only just reminded myself this today when the boys plugged in their old console Nintendo wii. They added me to play table tennis , that was it I kept playing and playing until I started playing their turns 😜. Refusing to return the controller until I beat all the highest scores. 

O well had to leave the kitchen to bath the little man , my boys were happy to get the controller back . 

I used to love playing so many different games when I was younger from . Qubit on the cable videoron box after school. Fruit machine , space invaders and Tetris on my old Amstrad console. Street fighter, Mario world, Mario cart, table tennis etc the list continues .

Pc games are fun too, cake making game, or the online games where you find items in different room using Big fish. 

  Looks like I need a child free weekend, so I can play lots of games to get this out of my system.

What was your favourite games /console while growing up ? 


Competitive with computer games

Thank you AK Annabel Karmel and NUK for my great bowl

Great bowl with suction on bottom to stop babies pickup bowl and throwing their food out🙈😂. It comes with two kids one for travelling a a microwaveable one    
Thank you Joie for the High chair.

He has made a good few attempts to get it off the table. So glad the suction part works . 

He normally picks it up and throws it out while looking at you cheekily.
What do your babies /toddlers do at feeding time please let us know.

Thank you AK Annabel Karmel and NUK for my great bowl

Fabulous Cake

I’m sure I’m not alone when I say I love cake. Slightly warmed cake with ice cream, cake and custard . Cake with cake😁.

Thank you to Merchant-Iced Cakes for my recent order.

The birthday girl and dinner guest loved your cake. The design was classy, pretty and the cake was very soft and fluffy. One of the guests ate their partners cake as they couldn’t resist another slice.

Love love love your cakes , would highly recommend to all . I have had some great designs. You always think of a great design you’re so creative and talented.👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
Please check out their Facebook page you won’t be disappointed. If you need a cake for any occasion place an order you will be amazed. Here are a few of my favourite


Fabulous Cake

Fillnsqueeze Pouches

Love my fillnsqueeze pouch and set. Bought these at the last show and found them very useful when I started to wean my baby. I used my nutribullet to blend the food then placed it in the plunger set and pushed the contents into the pouches. It’s so great when your on the move, I’ve put breakfast , lunch , dinner , desserts, and smoothies in these pouches and my son loves them. Great when I need to get out the house early and I’m limited for time as sometimes it take little man ages to finish his food. I find he eats promptly and gets excited when he sees the pouches.
I’ve placed the pouches in the freezer to store puréed fruit and vegetables. When I wanted to use it I would put it in the fridge the night before . On the day I would remove the cap and place the pouch in the microwave. Then massage the pouch to ensure there are no hot spots ,when feeding little man. Once he got used to the texture I no longer needed to blend the food but just used the plunger without the rubber cap to mash the food and then plunge into the pouches. 

Would highly recommend this products to all. Looking forward to testing out the new spoon that’s attaches to the pouch. 


Fillnsqueeze Pouches

Baby Show Olympia 

Had fun today at the baby show, checked out a lot of products new ideas.  

Got lots of testing and reviewing to do.😁

Lots of people, great changing facilities free nappies and wet wipes by Pampers👍🏽

Got there 12:30 lunch for son from AK Annabel Karmel. Surprised the cafes didn’t sell baby food within the Olympia at a baby show so thank God for AK as only brought enough for one meal. Great feeding facilities there is a private area for nursing mothers. A open plan feeding area with microwaves Tommee Tippee bottle preparation machine etc etc .

There was everything there from feeding , clothing, travel systems etc. All items are at a reduced price and you also get great samples and you get to test out new inventions which are soo cool.

Met two friends there and we left at 17:30. Long but good day shattered. Reviews of items to follow.  




Baby Show Olympia 

Clock change 

Morning All, Who actually got extra sleep this morning ? Anybody with kids?  

 Many years ago this was my favourite time change. I used to go out partying and have an extra hour out, or enjoy an extra hours sleep or just rest in bed. Sleep is one of the big sacrifices you make as a parent.

My eldest son finally slept through 6-7 months ,my middle son 5months. Well my third son is nearly 11 months and things are very different.

He used to wake only once or twice a night until the painful teething started🙈. Since then he wakes frequently through the night.  I’m actually getting use to it. Not sure what it’s going to be like once he sleeps through , I probably be in shock.

How was your little young ones sleep last night?  

Clock change 

Time to organise a party for an 8year old and a 1year old just before Christmas

It’s that time of year again Christmas is getting closer exciting times. I’m normally more organised but things are a little different this year. I have a new addition to the family and I’m still on maternity leave. 

I have the fun task of organising two birthday parties one for an 8 year old boy and the other for a 1year old. Only a few weeks left to organise a week apart and very close to Christmas.

Have a few ideas but would be happy to hear any fun reasonable party ideas you may wish to share. 

I’m more than happy to blog about my party experiences for any particular companies if used in the London/ Croydon areas .  


Time to organise a party for an 8year old and a 1year old just before Christmas

Juggling with Kids

Juggling is a skill that all parents gain or master when having kids. The more kids you have the more of a juggling master you become. I get very frustrated when the juggling stops and I feel like something has dropped /been missed.

It’s something I need to learn to deal with in life now with three boys its a constant juggle. While I’m enjoying my last month or so of Maternity leave the juggle is still strong.
Typical day juggling washing , cooking , keeping little man entertained while keeping up with my list of things to do… I’ve got to remind myself Somedays somethings have got to give.

Yesterday was a miserable day with the weather . Did the school run to collect the children . Was very grateful the rain stopped when I got to the school. Off home we all go, homework time . Helped my middle son complete his PowerPoint presentation about Stone Age, started making dinner while dancing to keep my youngest son entertained. The eldest son read a few chapters of his book by himself before reading another on to me. Then listened to middle son read his new book.

Had to stop in between all of this to breastfeed little man. He then got hyper and played lots with his brothers while I cleaned up all the mess we had made . Time to start the bedtime routine as get the boys to select their outfits for the school disco ( which is today ) The littlemans bedtime routine needs more attention as he has been waking more frequently due to teething. I’m sure he comfort feeds at night. Fingers crossed I can master it soon so that he sleeps I haven’t slept a full night for over 2 years. Not sure how I’m functioning but some how I’ve got used to it.

The older two were good sleepers by 5 months.

Roll on December when I can wean him off the breast and on to the blue top cows milk.  I know I’m going to be in shock the first few nights if we all get to sleep through.

Juggling with Kids