Juggling with Kids

Juggling is a skill that all parents gain or master when having kids. The more kids you have the more of a juggling master you become. I get very frustrated when the juggling stops and I feel like something has dropped /been missed.

It’s something I need to learn to deal with in life now with three boys its a constant juggle. While I’m enjoying my last month or so of Maternity leave the juggle is still strong.
Typical day juggling washing , cooking , keeping little man entertained while keeping up with my list of things to do… I’ve got to remind myself Somedays somethings have got to give.

Yesterday was a miserable day with the weather . Did the school run to collect the children . Was very grateful the rain stopped when I got to the school. Off home we all go, homework time . Helped my middle son complete his PowerPoint presentation about Stone Age, started making dinner while dancing to keep my youngest son entertained. The eldest son read a few chapters of his book by himself before reading another on to me. Then listened to middle son read his new book.

Had to stop in between all of this to breastfeed little man. He then got hyper and played lots with his brothers while I cleaned up all the mess we had made . Time to start the bedtime routine as get the boys to select their outfits for the school disco ( which is today ) The littlemans bedtime routine needs more attention as he has been waking more frequently due to teething. I’m sure he comfort feeds at night. Fingers crossed I can master it soon so that he sleeps through.wow I haven’t slept a full night for over 2 years. Not sure how I’m functioning but some how I’ve got used to it.

The older two were good sleepers by 5 months.

Roll on December when I can wean him off the breast and on to the blue top cows milk.  I know I’m going to be in shock the first few nights if we all get to sleep through.

Juggling with Kids

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