Round 2 ( 2nd Kit Day)

Nice early start again, got a nice parking spot not too far from the station. Triple checked my bags yippee I have remembered to pack all the bits for my Tommee Tippee Breast expresser 😁👍🏽👌🏽 

 Only forgot my ice block to keep it extra cold but it will be ok. 🙈

Thank God It’s Friday 😁😁.

In wonder what today will be like in the office , think there are 2 meetings scheduled should be fun. Back to life back to reality. 
London Bridge at 8:16 am 


Today has been good . Meetings went well. Had a company announcement this morning re change in Leadership.  
Successful conference call

Felt more awake today then Tuesday.

Expressing went well again .


Enjoyed catering samples while expressing  

New Quebec Catering 

Well I must say the salad was fresh and very tasty . Sandwiches were fresh and fluffy. Enjoyed the fruit kebab sticks. 

Overall food was fresh tasty and would recommend. 

Round 2 ( 2nd Kit Day)

Junior School Disco

Well Kiss my neck back 😱 as my Gran used to say. My son in year 6 said he didn’t want to go to the Disco now all of a sudden today he is really keen on going. Telling me the boys are asking girls to go with them 😆 is it that time already.????? My middle son year 3 said he wants to ask someone , I asked who he said me awwww how sweet 😘😘💕💕💕 Think Im a bit old for the school disco😂😂….. Tbc 

Well I may be showing my age but didn’t have school discos  in my primary school .  They all took place in secondary school. These days I see schools have proms that must be really cool, again I didn’t have any of that when I was at school. 

Well hope my son gets a date for the school disco , I better get his hair done this weekend and get a nice outfit ready for him. 

Junior School Disco


I have heard lots about the Mamia nappies from Aldi, even had samples of this in the baby packs and at the Baby Show in Excel.

Finally time to put them to the full test.

I’ve been using these for a month now and I can say I’m very impressed. Great product fantastic value for money I would recommend these to others,if you try them you won’t be disappointed. 

They fit well some may need to go up a size,lots of padding, no leaks so far👍🏽
I got the size 5 box ,which contains 72 nappies £6.49 .








Breast pumps

Wow after my eventful day yesterday without all the parts to my Tommee Tippee electric expreser. I looked on the website and found this

They now have an express and go so you can express directs into the sterile pouches with adapt its for different brands of expressers . This is a great idea , think I need to check this out.  



Breast pumps

Keeping in touch day 

Today started extremely early especially as the little one got up to feed a number of times. Woke up 5:50 feed little man the got ready for the long day ahead…..

Kids on way to school and little man dropped of to his Godmothers. Journey to the office begins, feel weird only carrying my bags no baby bag insight and no pushchair. Get on the train which was extremely packed spoke to a friend on the phone that’s when I realised I had forgotten the breast pump power supply and suction unit🙈 thought I was doing so well until this point.  Get to London Bridge thinking o my gosh I carried the expresser with the microwaveable container bottles breastmilk storage bag but no power unit.Felt very frustrated, surely there must be a shop in London that sells expressers. The hunt began. Boots at Monument, no joy, Superdrug , Tesco on Eastcheap and Boots corner Fenchurch Street no joy. I got to the office and started my day. Felt strange being back in the office no kids. Was able to have lots of tea, water without being distributed.  Had a few meetings to discuss changes to the company since I had been on maternity leave.  Part of me is glad to be back other part missing my little man.  I decided to pop to Liverpool Street boots after trying to call them for ages to see if  they have an expresser . Got there nooo expresser in sight, asked the staff no joy. They offered to order it in for the following day. Which wasn’t any help to me.

Got back to the office and decided to hand express in and closed meeting room which had been booked by myself.

I must say this was the first time hand expressing and it wasn’t too bad. 

 Good day overall but very tiring,  in bed by 8:15pm.
Felt disappointed that:

  •  I forgot something so important today expresser plug unit. 
  • I was unable to purchase a new one in the London Bridge/Liverpoool Street area
  • Had to leave little man all day

Felt Happy that:

  • I was able to hand express
  • I had a productive days settling back into the office.
  • I had a break from my normal routine.
  • I had adult conversations.
  • I had lunch without any interruptions.

Maybe next time I need this top and system for the office.






Keeping in touch day 

Plastic bag new charge

I’ve seen a lot of Facebook posts re the new  carrier bag charge which started today.

I know it’s a good thing for the environment but there are complaints as some of these chargeable  bags are ripping straightaway ,before you’ve left the shop.

If you’ve got to pay for it, it should be strong enough to carry items sold in the particular shop.  I will now on try to keep stronger bags in my car , for shopping e.g Sports direct and IKEA reusable bags are the way forward.

Check out these picture that have made me laugh today on this topic.


Plastic bag new charge

Natural Energy boost

I’m sure we all have those days when we needs a energy boost . Whether it’s caused by working long hours , being parents or just juggling a lot of things. There are a lot of unhealthy energy drinks on the market, which can affect people with prolonged use.

I have to share my little secret. I have been using Bee Pollen from Forever for past few months and I can say it has been a great help.

It has helped me when I have very little sleep , but still have a huge list of things to do each day. I started by taking half a tablet once a day now I take one table once or twice a day. You can take more depending how you feel. 

Bee pollen works well for hay fever suffers.  My symptoms were reduced while taking this supplement . It contains honey and Royal jelly. It’s 100% natural .

If you need anymore information about ordering this product please comment or send me a message.

Natural Energy boost

Racism / Discrimination 

This week I have seen the storey that four young back girls were refused entry to DSTRKT because one was too dark and the other one was too fat😱.

Today I was in the waiting room to see the doctor and heard an old man tell a lady that he was proud of their Grandchildren , as they are all pure white no Liquorice allsorts😱😱😱😱😡😡😡😡
I was shocked to hear this. I looked around the waiting room I was the only liquorice as he referred to in sight. 

I really wanted to say something but was so angry It wouldn’t have come out right and I would have been the one getting in trouble for replying to this racist comment.

I share it on Facebook and got lots of responses re this and racism. 2015 it is still strong , it could be kept behind closed doors but you get the brave ones to actually say it in public and refuse entry to an establishment based on someone’s colour and size.
On a positive note love this video:

Racism / Discrimination