16:26 My first cup of tea for the day

Well today has been an adventure to say the least . Had an appointment at 9:30 was aiming to get there for 9:00, left home without breakfast or a cup of tea. Time was against me. Decided to get the bus huge mistake 🙈🙈 had a very long journey got there slightly late. 


Had a fun journey back home . I checked with the bus driver to make sure it was going the right place . After getting the buggy on the back of the bus. He was quite rude think he is feed up with everyone asking that question . I only asked as I haven’t got that bus in years. Then the crazy people started to board the bus. People without credit on their Oystercards . 

People getting angry with a lady speaking to the driver as her child nearly fell off the bus🙈didn’t actually see what happened as it was packed. Then a women got on very loud I couldn’t work out if it was blue paint in her hair and over half her face. Well she walks past and smelt of alcohol and kept swearing and  acting rude making everyone feel uncomfortable . She tried to pay someone for a seat and tried to sit on the floor near the bus driver. He soon told her she couldn’t sit there she started singing a danger song. So glad my other boys were not on this bus to hear all the swearing. She finally got off the bus and a passenger told me she is a regular on the bus and normally swear at school children. I poppedinto Tescos to get a few bits struggled home with pushchair and bags .Well I can say I really missed my car today and won’t be doing that again. Got the dinner on and think it’s time for a nice cup of tea, before feeding the boys and off to Kung fu we go .  


16:26 My first cup of tea for the day

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