Last Keeping in touch day

Well today was my last keeping in touch day within my one year maternity leave. I have mixed feelings, it’s been great trying to catch up with all the changes within the company over the last year.
It was my last official time of expressing milk in the office meeting room, fingers crossed I would have weaned my little man of the 10:00/11:00 feed. 

 I will really enjoy my final 5 days of maternity leave. I will then enjoy my 25 holiday😁. Time to get ready for all the family birthdays coming up before Christmas there are 7 family birthdays and 5 friends birthdays before the end of December. 

I will actually enjoy going to baby groups again for the next few weeks before I return to work in January full time. It’s going to be fun juggling the morning run and picks ups after work . 

 During the past few weeks I have found it very frustrated when the trains were delayed and was unable to get connecting trains stress.
Looking forward to Christmas🎄🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎉🎉🎉🍾🍾🍾🍾

Last Keeping in touch day

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