December Birthdays 


  1. I remember as a small child ,in the school playground we used to all discuss our birthdays and Christmas. One day someond said tha they wished they were born on Christmas Day , that was they would get hundreds of presents ….. It took me many years to realise this was so wrong. My birthday is 6 days before Christmas I have found the following:
  • It can be very hard to go for a Birthday meal at a restaurant without the Christmas theme or Christmas special menu.
  • People tend to get you one present for both events if your lucky to get any at all.


  • I used to feel very frustrated as I didn’t use to feel like it was my special day as everyone was so caught up in the Christmas spirit.  

Now a mother of three boys (two out of the three are very close to Christmas and I have a family birthday from 28th November every day until the 2nd December. It doesn’t stop there , as there are a further 9 friends and family birthdays during the remaining days in December.🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁

  1. These times are very interesting for me as I try my best to make by kids birthday good, so they feel special and not forgotten about. I normally don’t really bother too much with my birthday as Im normally finalising the plans for Christmas Day.   

This year I would like to do something maybe a spa day, followed by a lovely meal and hotel stay. I better get planning as time is ticking.

Next year I plan to be abroad somewhere nice and hot to celebrate my birthday/Christmas different to the norm.


December Birthdays 

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