Competitive with computer games

It’s been years since I have played a computer game. Reason being I get soo addicted and get very competitive. I don’t want to stop playing until I bet the highest score or get to the next level. Only just reminded myself this today when the boys plugged in their old console Nintendo wii. They added me to play table tennis , that was it I kept playing and playing until I started playing their turns 😜. Refusing to return the controller until I beat all the highest scores. 

O well had to leave the kitchen to bath the little man , my boys were happy to get the controller back . 

I used to love playing so many different games when I was younger from . Qubit on the cable videoron box after school. Fruit machine , space invaders and Tetris on my old Amstrad console. Street fighter, Mario world, Mario cart, table tennis etc the list continues .

Pc games are fun too, cake making game, or the online games where you find items in different room using Big fish. 

  Looks like I need a child free weekend, so I can play lots of games to get this out of my system.

What was your favourite games /console while growing up ? 


Competitive with computer games