
Friday afternoon at work was good, had that typical Friday feeling of excitement,the weekend is here time to spend quality time with my boys.The plan was to go to a friends to get two of boys hair done. They have been growing it for a few months. Love it when it’s done but really find it frustrating when it’s the  in between stages . I haven’t got a girl so I should be grateful I get to do their hair . I can cornrow but think it looks neater when my friends/hairdresser does it . I do miss getting their hair cut and shaped up as I think it looks soo smart . But they want to grow it so I just have to be supportive. 

 Friday night was difficult as my youngest 11 month olds cough and cold got worse , he woke up having coughing fits and vomitng.Had the Calpol camomile and lavender plug in which was strong but didn’t seem to ease his symptoms too much. 

The news in Paris is heartbreaking so sad all those innocent lives lost💔💔 

💔💔 The 147 innocent people that lost their lives in Kenya   

Beirut explosion 💔💔💔


Saturday Morning had to call 111 and they sent me to my local chemist for extra services ,where they checked him out and prescriped Dioralyte and more paracetamols. They suggested to continue with cough medicine but I feel it was making him worse. 

So stayed home and got on with housework/ looking after little man. 
My Mum came round to spend the day , she got an uber cab home and forgot to enter the promotion code I sent her for £10.00  off her ride home🙈. 

Didn’t get much sleep Saturday night but managed to have a nap Sunday afternoon miracle . Think I needed that, woke up time to get the dinner on and continue with washing.

He seems a lot better today bless him just need to shift that cough and cold. 

Looks like I will need to sort out my eldest sons hair , as I didn’t a chance to get it done my friend this weekend.

Finalising party for my middle son who will be 8 in a few weeks exciting.🎁🎁🎉🎉🎉

After this week I’m officially on holiday from work until the end of December. Looking forward to attending the playgroups at the children centre and catching up with other mums and babies .  


Keeping in touch day 

Today started extremely early especially as the little one got up to feed a number of times. Woke up 5:50 feed little man the got ready for the long day ahead…..

Kids on way to school and little man dropped of to his Godmothers. Journey to the office begins, feel weird only carrying my bags no baby bag insight and no pushchair. Get on the train which was extremely packed spoke to a friend on the phone that’s when I realised I had forgotten the breast pump power supply and suction unit🙈 thought I was doing so well until this point.  Get to London Bridge thinking o my gosh I carried the expresser with the microwaveable container bottles breastmilk storage bag but no power unit.Felt very frustrated, surely there must be a shop in London that sells expressers. The hunt began. Boots at Monument, no joy, Superdrug , Tesco on Eastcheap and Boots corner Fenchurch Street no joy. I got to the office and started my day. Felt strange being back in the office no kids. Was able to have lots of tea, water without being distributed.  Had a few meetings to discuss changes to the company since I had been on maternity leave.  Part of me is glad to be back other part missing my little man.  I decided to pop to Liverpool Street boots after trying to call them for ages to see if  they have an expresser . Got there nooo expresser in sight, asked the staff no joy. They offered to order it in for the following day. Which wasn’t any help to me.

Got back to the office and decided to hand express in and closed meeting room which had been booked by myself.

I must say this was the first time hand expressing and it wasn’t too bad. 

 Good day overall but very tiring,  in bed by 8:15pm.
Felt disappointed that:

  •  I forgot something so important today expresser plug unit. 
  • I was unable to purchase a new one in the London Bridge/Liverpoool Street area
  • Had to leave little man all day

Felt Happy that:

  • I was able to hand express
  • I had a productive days settling back into the office.
  • I had a break from my normal routine.
  • I had adult conversations.
  • I had lunch without any interruptions.

Maybe next time I need this top and system for the office.






Keeping in touch day